Vision, Mission & Objectives
People’s Development is in People’s Hand
Women Empowerment
Shabalombee Gram (Self-help Village).
UST is guided by some principles which are embedded in its ethics:
Go to the people, live with them, learn from them, plan with them
Start with what the people know
Build on what the people have
Learn by doing, teach by showing
Outsider may help, but insider must do the job.
UST’s Objectives:
Support the poor and disadvantaged people for their empowerment and capacity of self-employment and sustainable livelihoods;
Education for poor and disadvantaged children;
Ensure gender equality through women empowering process;
Promote inclusive approach to empower the disadvantaged people for their self-reliance;
Develop People’s organization of disadvantaged women (Gram Unnayan Parishad-GUP);
Promotion and protection of Women and Child rights;
Promotion of social movement to create a positive attitude towards disabled persons and to ensure their participation towards establishment of their rights and social justice;
Ensure availability of clean water and sanitation for all;
Support Climate Actions of the local people towards reducing loss and damage caused by climate change.